L. Gasparrini, E. Onofri, V. Palmucci, M. Pedicini
Bilinear Pairing vs. Lattices in CP-ABE: a benchmark
> [article]
M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, M. Pedicini
mR_{LWE}-CP-ABE: a revocable CP-ABE for Post-Quantum Cryptography
Journal of mathematical cryptology (JMC), De Gruyter (Feb. 2024)
> [DOI:10.1515/jmc-2023-0026][article][ePrint:2023/922][IRIS:11590/465335]
M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, M. Pedicini
mR_{LWE}-CP-ABE: a revocable CP-ABE for Post-Quantum Cryptography (Long Abstract)
CIFRIS23, the Congress of the Italian association of Cryptography "De Componendis Cifris" (14 - 15 Dec. 2023, Rome, Italy)
M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, S. Onofri, M. Pedicini
Fourteen years of Cube Attacks
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Springer (Mar. 2023)
> [DOI:10.1007/s00200-023-00602-w][article][IRIS:11590/440514]
M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, S. Onofri, M. Pedicini
Ten years of Cube Attacks
arXiv preprint (Feb. 2022)
> [ePrint]
E. Onofri, M. Pedicini
Novel notation in Cube Attacks
Collectio Ciphrarum, De Cifris Cryptanalysis, selected papers from the ITASEC2020 workshop (Mar. 2022)
> [DOI:10.53136/97912599486565][article][introduction][IRIS:11590/402819]
Graph Theory
F. Lombardi, E. Onofri
Parallel Graph Contraction on Attribute-Based Colouring (TBD)
In preparation
> [article]
E. Onofri, M. Caprolu, R. Di Pietro, F. Lombardi
In preparation
> [article]
E. Onofri
A Mathematical Formalisation of the γ-contraction Problem
In preparation
> [article][arXiv:2404.12080]
M. Caprolu, R. Di Pietro, F. Lombardi, E. Onofri
Characterizing Polkadot's Transactions Ecosystem: methodology, tools, and insights
DAPPS, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructure (15 - 18 July 2024, Shanghai, China)
> [DOI:10.1109/DAPPS61106.2024.00016][arXiv:2404.10543][IRIS:11590/481707]
F. Lombardi, E. Onofri
Some results on Colored Network Contraction
Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (JUSPN), IASKS, 17 (Dec. 2022)
> [DOI:10.5383/JUSPN.17.02.006][article][IRIS:11590/423208][GitHub:GraphColorContraction]
F. Lombardi, E. Onofri
Graph Contraction on Attribute-Based Colouring
Procedia in Computer Sciences, Elsevier
ANT2022 International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (22 - 25 Mar. 2022, Porto, Portugal)
> [DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2022.03.056][IRIS:11590/421671][GitHub:GraphColorContraction]
Crowd Tracking
M. Catrambone, P. Centorrino, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri, C. Riminesi
On the pollution impact of visitors inside crowded museums (TBD)
In preparation
> [article]
P. Centorrino, E. Cristiani, P. Ferrara, D. Macchion, E. Onofri
Measurements and Analysis of the Visitors Behavior in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Internal report, IAC-CNR, v2 (February, 2023)
> [ENG][ITA]
E. Onofri, A. Corbetta
RSSi-based visitor tracking in museums via cascaded AI classifiers and coloured graph representations
Journal of Collective Dynamics, 6 (2022).
PED2021 Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (29 - 30 Nov. 2021, Melbourne, Australia)
> [DOI:10.17815/CD.2021.131][pdf][video][slides][IRIS:11590/421673][arXiv:2108.11091]
P. Centorrino, A. Corbetta, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri
Managing crowded museums: visitors flow measurements, analysis, modeling, and optimization
Journal of Computer Sciences, Elsevier, 53 (Apr. 2021), 101357
> [DOI:10.1016/j.jocs.2021.101357][pdf][IRIS:11590/421672][arXiv:2006.16830]
P. Centorrino, A. Corbetta, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri
Measurement and analysis of visitors’ trajectories in crowded museums
2019 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (4 - 6 Dec. 2019, Florence, Italy)
> [article][pdf][poster][IRIS:11590/421675][arXiv:1912.02744]
A. Corbetta, E. Cristiani, M. Minozzi, E. Onofri, F. Toschi
Optimizing museums' experience via trajectory analysis of visitors
Traffic and Granular Flow 2019 Conference Poster (3 Jul. 2019, Navarra, Spain)
> [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33071.56489][poster][IRIS:11590/421674]
Computational Biology
F. Castiglione, E. Mastrostefano, E. Onofri
Novel Granulomas simulation in Mycobacterium Tubercolosis Infection (TBD)
In preparation
> [article]
A. Ravoni, F. Castiglione, E. Mastrostefano, C. Nardini, E. Onofri, M. C. Palumbo, P. Tieri
Studying long-lasting diseases using an agent-based model of the immune response
YAMC2024, The fourth edition of the Young Applied Mathematicians Conference, Long Abstract (16 - 20 Sep. 2024, Rome, Italy)
E. Mastrostefano, A. Ravoni, E. Onofri, P. Tieri, F. Castiglione
Harnessing computational models to uncover the role of the immune system in tuberculosis treatment
BIBM23 2023 IEEE Internetional Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (5 - 8 Dec. 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye)
> [DOI:10.1109/BIBM58861.2023.10385440][IEEExplore:10385440 ][IRIS:11590/464967]
F. Castiglione, C. Nardini, E. Onofri, M. Pedicini, P. Tieri
Explainable Drug Repurposing Approach from Biased Random Walks
IEEE/ACM TCBB Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 20/2 (Jul. 2022)
> [DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2022.3191392][PubMedID:35839194][IEEExplore:9831014][IRIS:11590/415847]
Vehicular Traffic
M. Briani, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri
Inverting the fundamental diagram and forecasting boundary conditions: how machine learning can improve macroscopic models for traffic flow.
Advanced in Computational Mathematics (ACOM), Springer Nature, 50 (Dec. 2024) 115
> [DOI:10.1007/s10444-024-10206-8][SSRN:4396781][arXiv:2303.12740]
Computational Topology
G. Del Monte, E. Onofri, G. Scorzelli, A. Paoluzzi
Local congruence of chain complexes
arXiv Preprint (May 2020)
A. Paoluzzi, V. Shapiro, A. Di Carlo, G. Scorzelli, E. Onofri
Finite Boolean Algebras for Solid Geometry using Julia's Sparse Arrays
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Elsevier, 115 (Nov. 2023), 103436
> [DOI:10.1016/j.cad.2022.103436][IRIS:11590/422367][arXiv:1910.11848]
ML- and graph-based methods for data analysis and prediction
Applications in vehicular traffic, pedestrian dynamics, and computational biology
Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics "cum Laude"
Supervisors: F. Castiglione (BRC-TII), E. Cristiani (IAC-CNR), M. Pedicini (Roma Tre)
> [dpt. link][thesis][slides handout][abstract]
> thesis SHA256 f2d69aae5946a6548a58aa207c697584d724dbe7b91e3ad0b4d309bc179ba952
> slides SHA256 999488d1958038cbceacffed602b9c0a587787c29c0c2f8f68611ef9b4af5986
> abstract SHA256 1def52681bbd5399f8abea3cb3daae51d88d07f2c727a490caf56cc92ba4d016
Sulla risoluzione di sistemi algebrici su campi finiti: l'algoritmo di Buchberger, le basi di Gröbner e la complessità computazionale
(About the resolution of algebraic systems over finite fields: Buchberger algorithm, Gröbner bases and computational complexities)
Bachelor Degree in Mathematics
Supervisor: M. Pedicini (Roma Tre)
Publications as Editor
E. Onofri, G. Auricchio
Book of Abstracts of the Fourth Edition of the Young Applied Mathematicians Conference
CNR Edizioni
YAMC, Young Applied Mathematicians Conference (16 - 20 Sep. 2024, Rome, Italy)
Popular Sciences - Divulgazione Scientifica
Nota stampa CNR sull'ottimizzazione dei flussi di visitatori nella Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia (Feb. 2023)
> [link]
Nota stampa CNR sull'ottimizazione dei flussi in Galleria Borghese (Oct. 2021)
> [link]
Nota stampa di Galleria Borghese sull'ottimizazione dei flussi di visitatori (Oct. 2021)
> [link]