

L. Gasparrini, E. Onofri, V. Palmucci, M. Pedicini

Bilinear Pairing vs. Lattices in CP-ABE: a benchmark


> [article]

M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, M. Pedicini

mR_{LWE}-CP-ABE: a revocable CP-ABE for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Journal of mathematical cryptology (JMC), De Gruyter (Feb. 2024)

> [DOI:10.1515/jmc-2023-0026][article][ePrint:2023/922][IRIS:11590/465335]

M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, M. Pedicini

mR_{LWE}-CP-ABE: a revocable CP-ABE for Post-Quantum Cryptography (Long Abstract)

CIFRIS23, the Congress of the Italian association of Cryptography "De Componendis Cifris" (14 - 15 Dec. 2023, Rome, Italy)

> [DOI:10.69091/koine/vol-1-M14][proceedings]

M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, S. Onofri, M. Pedicini

Fourteen years of Cube Attacks

Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Springer (Mar. 2023)

> [DOI:10.1007/s00200-023-00602-w][article][IRIS:11590/440514]

M. Cianfriglia, E. Onofri, S. Onofri, M. Pedicini

Ten years of Cube Attacks

arXiv preprint (Feb. 2022)

> [ePrint]

E. Onofri, M. Pedicini

Novel notation in Cube Attacks

Collectio Ciphrarum, De Cifris Cryptanalysis, selected papers from the ITASEC2020 workshop (Mar. 2022)

> [DOI:10.53136/97912599486565][article][introduction][IRIS:11590/402819]

Graph Theory

F. Lombardi, E. Onofri

Parallel Graph Contraction on Attribute-Based Colouring (TBD)

In preparation

> [article]

E. Onofri, M. Caprolu, R. Di Pietro, F. Lombardi


In preparation

> [article]

E. Onofri

A Mathematical Formalisation of the γ-contraction Problem

In preparation

> [article][arXiv:2404.12080]

M. Caprolu, R. Di Pietro, F. Lombardi, E. Onofri

Characterizing Polkadot's Transactions Ecosystem: methodology, tools, and insights 

DAPPS, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructure (15 - 18 July 2024, Shanghai, China)

> [DOI:10.1109/DAPPS61106.2024.00016][arXiv:2404.10543][IRIS:11590/481707]

F. Lombardi, E. Onofri

Some results on Colored Network Contraction

Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (JUSPN), IASKS, 17 (Dec. 2022)

> [DOI:10.5383/JUSPN.17.02.006][article][IRIS:11590/423208][GitHub:GraphColorContraction]

F. Lombardi, E. Onofri

Graph Contraction on Attribute-Based Colouring

Procedia in Computer Sciences, Elsevier

ANT2022 International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (22 - 25 Mar. 2022, Porto, Portugal)

> [DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2022.03.056][IRIS:11590/421671][GitHub:GraphColorContraction]

Crowd Tracking

M. Catrambone, P. Centorrino, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri, C. Riminesi

On the pollution impact of visitors inside crowded museums (TBD)

In preparation

> [article]

P. Centorrino, E. Cristiani, P. Ferrara, D. Macchion, E. Onofri

Measurements and Analysis of the Visitors Behavior in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Internal report, IAC-CNR, v2 (February, 2023)

> [ENG][ITA]

E. Onofri, A. Corbetta

RSSi-based visitor tracking in museums via cascaded AI classifiers and coloured graph representations

Journal of Collective Dynamics, 6 (2022).

PED2021 Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (29 - 30 Nov. 2021, Melbourne, Australia)

> [DOI:10.17815/CD.2021.131][pdf][video][slides][IRIS:11590/421673][arXiv:2108.11091]

P. Centorrino, A. Corbetta, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri

Managing crowded museums: visitors flow measurements, analysis, modeling, and optimization

Journal of Computer Sciences, Elsevier, 53 (Apr. 2021), 101357

> [DOI:10.1016/j.jocs.2021.101357][pdf][IRIS:11590/421672][arXiv:2006.16830]

P. Centorrino, A. Corbetta, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri

Measurement and analysis of visitors’ trajectories in crowded museums

2019 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (4 - 6 Dec. 2019, Florence, Italy)

> [article][pdf][poster][IRIS:11590/421675][arXiv:1912.02744]

A. Corbetta, E. Cristiani, M. Minozzi, E. Onofri, F. Toschi

Optimizing museums' experience via trajectory analysis of visitors

Traffic and Granular Flow 2019 Conference Poster (3 Jul. 2019, Navarra, Spain)

> [DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33071.56489][poster][IRIS:11590/421674]

Computational Biology

F. Castiglione, E. Mastrostefano, E. Onofri

Novel Granulomas simulation in Mycobacterium Tubercolosis Infection (TBD)

In preparation

> [article]

A. Ravoni, F. Castiglione, E. Mastrostefano, C. Nardini, E. Onofri, M. C. Palumbo, P. Tieri

Studying long-lasting diseases using an agent-based model of the immune response

YAMC2024, The fourth edition of the Young Applied Mathematicians Conference, Long Abstract (16 - 20 Sep. 2024, Rome, Italy)

> [DOI:10.48227/YAMC-2024][IRIS:20.500.14243/508821]

E. Mastrostefano, A. Ravoni, E. Onofri, P. Tieri, F. Castiglione

Harnessing computational models to uncover the role of the immune system in tuberculosis treatment

BIBM23 2023 IEEE Internetional Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (5 - 8 Dec. 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye)

> [DOI:10.1109/BIBM58861.2023.10385440][IEEExplore:10385440 ][IRIS:11590/464967]

F. Castiglione, C. Nardini, E. Onofri, M. Pedicini, P. Tieri

Explainable Drug Repurposing Approach from Biased Random Walks

IEEE/ACM TCBB Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 20/2 (Jul. 2022)

> [DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2022.3191392][PubMedID:35839194][IEEExplore:9831014][IRIS:11590/415847]

Vehicular Traffic

M. Briani, E. Cristiani, E. Onofri

Inverting the fundamental diagram and forecasting boundary conditions: how machine learning can improve macroscopic models for traffic flow.

Advanced in Computational Mathematics (ACOM), Springer Nature, 50 (Dec. 2024) 115

> [DOI:10.1007/s10444-024-10206-8][SSRN:4396781][arXiv:2303.12740]

Computational Topology

G. Del Monte, E. Onofri, G. Scorzelli, A. Paoluzzi

Local congruence of chain complexes

arXiv Preprint (May 2020)

> [arXiv][pdf][IRIS:11590/379203][arXiv:1910.11848]

A. Paoluzzi, V. Shapiro, A. Di Carlo, G. Scorzelli, E. Onofri

Finite Boolean Algebras for Solid Geometry using Julia's Sparse Arrays

Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Elsevier, 115 (Nov. 2023), 103436

> [DOI:10.1016/j.cad.2022.103436][IRIS:11590/422367][arXiv:1910.11848]


ML- and graph-based methods for data analysis and prediction

Applications in vehicular traffic, pedestrian dynamics, and computational biology

Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics "cum Laude"

Supervisors: F. Castiglione (BRC-TII), E. Cristiani (IAC-CNR), M. Pedicini (Roma Tre)

> [dpt. link][thesis][slides handout][abstract]

> thesis SHA256 f2d69aae5946a6548a58aa207c697584d724dbe7b91e3ad0b4d309bc179ba952

> slides SHA256 999488d1958038cbceacffed602b9c0a587787c29c0c2f8f68611ef9b4af5986

> abstract SHA256 1def52681bbd5399f8abea3cb3daae51d88d07f2c727a490caf56cc92ba4d016

A Computational Investigation of the Cube Attack in General Finite Fields

Master Degree in Computational Sciences "cum Laude"

Supervisor: M. Pedicini (Roma Tre)

>[thesis 🔗][synthesis 🔗][slides 🔗]

Sulla risoluzione di sistemi algebrici su campi finiti: l'algoritmo di Buchberger, le basi di Gröbner e la complessità computazionale

(About the resolution of algebraic systems over finite fields: Buchberger algorithm, Gröbner bases and computational complexities)

Bachelor Degree in Mathematics

Supervisor: M. Pedicini (Roma Tre)

> [thesis 🔗][slides 🔗]

Publications as Editor

E. Onofri, G. Auricchio

Book of Abstracts of the Fourth Edition of the Young Applied Mathematicians Conference

CNR Edizioni

YAMC, Young Applied Mathematicians Conference (16 - 20 Sep. 2024, Rome, Italy)

> [DOI:10.48227/YAMC-2024][IRIS:20.500.14243/508821]

Popular Sciences - Divulgazione Scientifica

Nota stampa CNR sull'ottimizzazione dei flussi di visitatori nella Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia (Feb. 2023)

> [link]

E. Cristiani

La Matematica fa bene all'arte

PRISMA, 35 (novembre 2021)

> [link]

Nota stampa CNR sull'ottimizazione dei flussi in Galleria Borghese (Oct. 2021)

> [link]

Nota stampa di Galleria Borghese sull'ottimizazione dei flussi di visitatori (Oct. 2021)

> [link]

Corresponding author is marked as underlined.